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Celebrate Better Sleep Month With Shepherd’s Dream

May is a perfect time to dial in our sleep!

May is Better Sleep Month, and if ever there was a month our culture needs, it’s this one. We’re throwing a giant party to celebrate—and you’re invited! Just put on your favorite pajamas, read this blog post for all the best tips and tricks, and then go to sleep in the comfort of your very own bedroom. 

Shepherd’s Dream doesn’t just make mattresses and bedding, we care about the quality of sleep our customers get. Sleep is such an important cornerstone of health and wellness, so we’re here to help everyone achieve that coveted good night’s rest.

This is why we’ve been such a superfan of wool all these years. Wool has been shown to assist with sleep in so many ways, from its thermoregulating powers to its ability to wick moisture like a boss to its hypoallergenic forcefield helping allergy sufferers to its easing of aches and pains. Truly, a miracle fiber, and we haven’t even mentioned its sustainability cred!

In honor of all things sleep, we’re gathering a master list of our best healthy sleep content from our Counting Sheep blog here in one place for you. So sit back, pour a cuppa nighttime tea, lower the lights, and feast your eyes on these. 

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The Science-y Stuff

The science of sleep is complex stuff! Not even so-called experts understand it all. Luckily, some proven tweaks can really go a long way toward helping you get the Zzzs you deserve. Learn all about our biochemistry and how to address certain issues here.

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The Comfort and Performance Info

It’s admittedly difficult to know when we’re uncomfortable during sleep, because…well…we’re asleep! But our body’s sensing systems don’t go to sleep—they’re still working for us overnight. So if you toss and turn, sleep hot and sweaty, or are constantly changing sleep positions, read on.

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The Better Sleep Lifestyle

It may sound far-fetched, but the road to good sleep begins the moment we wake up and is fostered by our daily habits. Here’s where a little knowledge can go a long way. Incorporating the ideas below can help transport you to dreamland in record time.

Better Sleep is Just a Click Away

Whatever’s got you up at night, we hope you’ve found some information here and perhaps some new inspiration. And if your particular sleep issue isn’t here, let us know! We’d love to explore it and maybe even have some solutions to share with you.

We’re always talking about sleep health on Instagram, so follow us there for more where this came from. And as always—sweet dreams!

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