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All Seasons Wool Comforter

All Seasons Wool Comforter

…of the wool comforter available, the All Seasons Wool Comforter is the most versatile and popular as a year round comforter. Care Instructions Keep your year round comforter protected with…

Shepherd's Dream Wool Pillow Set with Neck Rolls on Organic Wool Mattress

Wool Bedding Compression 101

How to Avoid Body Compressions One of the most important considerations in caring for your all-natural wool bedding is compression. Being mindful of compression ensures that your wool-filled bedding withstands…

A peaceful bedroom with a dark brown walnut bed frame and a handmade wool mattress with a soft topper.

Insider Info: Check Out Our Clearance Items

Psst! Did you know that our website contains hidden treasure? It’s true! Read on for all the details.’s Clearance Section If you’re a Shepherd’s Dream fan, you already know…

Echo of the Waulking Song – A brief history of melton wool

…as well. Can you hear the echoes of the Waulking Songs when you lay down to dream? More historical stories about fulling to come… Photographic Sources: (1) (2)…

Introducing…Our Zero Waste Ewe-initiative®! 1

Introducing…Our Zero Waste Ewe-initiative®!

Introducing…Our Zero Waste Ewe-initiative®! Owner Robin Kearns was contemplating ways to continue building Shepherd’s Dream sustainability commitment when it struck her. “We love a good sheep pun around here! The…