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Common Misconceptions About Wool, Myth #8: “Wool Causes Allergic Reactions”

eing in the wool business means we’re blessed to hear so many stories from our customers who have a wonderful, comforting relationship with our products. From ancient folklore to heirloom tapestries and present-day handmade sweaters, we delight in these wool myths.

Occasionally, though, we do hear from people who unfortunately don’t have such a positive experience. Mostly, those who don’t have a deep appreciation for all the wonders of wool tend to say they avoid wool because it makes them feel itchy and, in some cases, they believe they’re allergic to wool.

If you’re one of these people, we encourage you to read on because we think we can convince you that we have a wool-based product that will actually help you sleep better!

Think you’re allergic to wool?

Genuine diagnosed wool allergies are actually very rare and more often caused by the lanolin in the wool (the naturally occurring oils produced by the sheep), rather than the wool itself. People who think they’re allergic to wool are more likely having a reaction to the itchiness caused by poor quality wool or the harsh chemicals used to treat more conventional wool products.

Is wool okay for sensitive skin? What is a wool allergy?

At Shepherd’s Dream, we only use Merino wool with no added chemicals on our products meant to come into direct contact with your skin. We actually remove most of the naturally-occuring lanolin so even a person with a true lanolin allergy would probably be really comfortable in our products.

Also, aside from our wool blankets, our soft, all-natural, non-toxic, and sustainable Premium EcoWool products aren’t meant to come directly into contact with your skin. We recommend using organic cotton sheets, and duvets for your wool bedding such as our Coyuchi products to enhance your nontoxic sleep.

It’s also worth noting that by purchasing Coyuchi products along with your Shepherd’s Dream bed, you’re providing small, organic farmers an opportunity to continue growing sustainably, thus breaking the cyclical pattern of abuse to our Planet Earth from conventional cotton sprayed with harmful chemicals.

A healthy Earth means healthy humans — and a healthier YOU!

Visit our Testimonials page to read about some of our allergy-stricken customers who’ve experienced their best sleep ever on our products — including our wool mattressestopperspillows and comforters.

If you’re prone to allergies or know you have an allergy to wool, give us a call and we’ll help you find the right products for you. And don’t forget our natural latex beds and pillows for those who prefer an alternative to wool.

Read more about our other Wool Myths Series:

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