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A woman gently holds a young girl on her lap wrapped up in a green-and-black-checked wool blanket.

The Cozy Guide: Creating Your Cold Weather Sanctuary

We don’t know how the weather’s feeling where you are, but here at Shepherd’s Dream headquarters around the 42nd parallel, the days are growing shorter, the mornings have a chilly edge to them, and the leaves are beginning to fade out from the height of their summer green. You know what that means—it’s cozy time!

A magnifying glass looks at a bed bug in a peaceful bedroom.

Natural Defense: Can Wool Bedding Act as a Barrier Against Bed Bugs?

With travel season in full gear, bed bugs are in the news again. Their favorite hangouts are typically Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia, but recently it was reported that seven Las Vegas strip hotels have had bed bug outbreaks in the last year and a half. With a little bit of education, you can increase your odds of preventing them from coming home with you.