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How to Wash Your Wool Mattress & Topper – 3 Simple Ways

Wool bedding is easy to take care of with a few simple steps. Regularly cleaning and caring for your wool mattress and topper is important. If it’s neglected, the lifespan of your investment in natural, handmade products can be greatly reduced.

Let’s take a look at three tips and see if you can wash your wool mattress and topper:

1. Let it Breath (every day)

How to Wash Your Wool Mattress & Topper - 3 Simple Ways 1

Some people make their beds every day. If you have wool bedding, it’s actually a good idea to unmake it. Pull your comforter, sheet, and any blankets down away from the mattress and mattress topper. This allows the moisture that has been absorbed into the wool from your body throughout the night to escape into the air.

How to Wash Your Wool Mattress & Topper - 3 Simple Ways 2

2. Fold and flip (every month)

Once a month, fold your wool mattress topper down to allow moisture to escape from between the topper and the mattress. Separating the two every so often keeps any possibility of mold or mildew growth at bay (though wool is naturally mold and mildew resistant).

In addition to folding the mattress topper down, take this time to flip it over so that a single side isn’t overused. You can also vacuum in the tufted areas to remove dust, dander, and other possible allergens that collect in the divots.

3. Sun bleaching (every 3 months)

How to Wash Your Wool Mattress & Topper - 3 Simple Ways 3

One of the best ways to clean your wool mattress topper is to lay it in the sun. Sunlight naturally bleaches, deodorizes, and even disinfects wool. If you lay your wool mattress topper flat on a clean surface (or hang it over a railing) in the sun about once every three months, your bedding will stay fresh and clean.

If direct sun and air is not available to you, laying the wool product near a sunny window, or even over a heating vent, will do the trick. Make sure that the window is open as we like the actual photons from the sun to hit the organic cotton and wool.

For more tips and care instructions for your wool bedding, check out our Product Care page. At Shepherd’s Dream, we want to make sure you know how to care for your wool mattress topper and bedding so it lasts and you sleep your natural best!

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