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8 Tips for Detoxing Your Life Without Going Insane

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step…and a whole lotta self care

Unless you’ve been lost on a deserted island for the past several decades, most of us are aware that we’re exposed to toxins in our air, water, food, and homes on a daily basis. And yet, even when we try really hard to control for all the variables, we must concede that 100% success just isn’t possible. Healthy lifestyle perfection burnout is a thing! So what is a health-conscious person to do?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, but we can’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Simple lifestyle changes can yield big benefits, and you don’t have to take on everything at once. Here are eight simple—yet effective!—ways to detox your life, each with a small action step and an extra credit option for those ready to go further. Let’s get into it.

8 Tips for Detoxing Your Life Without Going Insane 1
  1. Clean Up Your Drinking Water

Simple Action: No. More. Plastic. While many manufacturers are hip to the issues concerning BPA plastics, it doesn’t mean the replacements are any less problematic, so it’s best to avoid plastics altogether. Commit to bringing your own water vessel with you everywhere you go, and make sure it’s glass or unlined stainless steel.

Extra Credit: Drink filtered water. Go beyond the simple countertop ones that just filter out chlorine. We’re looking to keep you away from things like PFAs, heavy metals, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals that can commonly be found in our water supply these days. The filter may be so good that you’ll want to consider adding some minerals back in. Here are some more plastic-free ideas for inspiration. 

  1. Breathe Easier Indoors

Simple Action: Open your windows for fresh air anytime possible to help remove indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that off-gas from furniture, construction materials, and home decor. Another easy task is to remove all paraffin wax candles or other synthetic candles with toxic fragrances, opting instead for those made with beeswax or tallow, natural essential oil fragrances, and cotton wicks.

Extra Credit: Invest in a HEPA air filter either for the whole house or for important rooms. Begin swapping out furniture and home decor for solid wood, wool, cotton, and other natural materials. Learn more about indoor air quality here.

  1. Manage Microplastics Exposure

Simple Action: Rather than sweeping and dry dusting your home, begin using damp cloths, wet mops, and your vacuum cleaner to help prevent the spread and inhalation of microplastic dust.

Extra Credit: Avoid eating with or out of plastic—and definitely do not microwave anything in plastic! Consider bringing your own reusable to-go containers and silverware. Read more about the microplastic conundrum here.

8 Tips for Detoxing Your Life Without Going Insane 2
  1. Switch to Natural Household Products

Simple Action: Replace your all-purpose cleaner with a nontoxic, natural one—or even better, make your own! Here’s a recipe to get you started.

Extra Credit: Go all in and learn how to make your own household cleaners, dish soap, and hand soap. Or support those who make them and buy local.

  1. Detox Your Laundry Routine

Simple Action: Replace synthetic, chemically-laden dryer sheets with wool dryer balls. If you miss the fresh fragrance, you can always dab a few drops of essential oil on them to gently scent your clothes. 

Extra Credit: Our waterways will love you if you put a microfiber filter on your washing machine to greatly reduce microplastics escaping.

  1. Choose Healthier Personal Care Products

Simple Action: Personal care products can be a minefield of toxins and questionable ingredients. Begin in one category, like swapping out your hair care routine for one that’s organic and nontoxic. 

Extra Credit: Do a head-to-toe audit and go au naturel! Hair care, skin care, deodorant, toothpaste, makeup, soaps, and more.

8 Tips for Detoxing Your Life Without Going Insane 3
  1. Upgrade the Kitchen

Simple Action: One at a time, replace plastic food containers with glass or stainless steel.

Extra Credit: Nonstick cookware is bad for your health and bad for the planet. Replace it with stainless steel, cast iron, or ceramic for safer cooking and indoor air quality. Go big and replace your gas range with more breathing-friendly induction.

  1. Wear Natural Fiber Clothing

Simple Action: The next time you’re thinking of purchasing a garment, challenge yourself to find one made with natural fibers. Check out this blog about why your skin loves natural fibers for inspiration.

Extra Credit: Make a commitment to begin switching all of your clothing and home textiles over to all-natural fibers like cotton, wool, linen, and silk. We know just where you can find some wonderful mattresses and bedding!

Saving the World While Maintaining Our Sanity

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and curating a healthier lifestyle takes time, research, and commitment. The good news is—you don’t have to figure it all out at once! Keep taking those steps forward in the right direction, and before you know it, what once seemed hard and far away will be yours. And we hope you have some fun along the way too.

Thanks for tuning in! Be sure to follow our Instagram account and sign-up for our Ewe’s Letter below for more healthy lifestyle tips and tricks, as well as everything about the magic of wool. Until next time—sweet dreams!

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