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Zero Waste Ewe-nitiative Laundry Starter Kit Bundle

Original price was: $54.00 – $84.00.Current price is: $48.60 – $75.60.

Outfit your laundry room with sustainable products that are part of our Zero Waste Ewe-nitiative. Save 10% on all products when you purchase them in this bundle!

Organic Cotton Mesh Laundry Bag

A superstar in the laundry room, these handy cotton mesh laundry bags with a zipper are organic, plastic-free, and hold all the little things—like our Reusable Face Wipes!

Wool Dryer Balls

The all-natural, eco-friendly fabric softener for your dryer. These Wool Dryer Balls are reusable and environmentally friendly.

Each order contains three dryer balls and a storage bag.

Eucalan Wool Wash

One of the best and most effective all natural, biodegradable wool wash detergent products on the market today. We highly recommend Eucalan Wool Wash for all your woolen items, from rugs to bedding to sweaters. Also great for silks and delicates!

Earn up to 756 Dream Points.

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Zero Waste Ewe-nitiative Laundry Starter Kit Bundle 4This bundle is part of our Zero Waste Ewe-nitiative, to help your laundry be as sustainable as possible. Save 10% when you purchase all these items together!


  • Organic Cotton Mesh Laundry Bag. In two sizes to hold your smaller, delicate items.
  • Wool Dryer Balls. Helps reduce static and wrinkles without any chemicals.
  • Eucalan Laundry Cleanser. An all-natural and gentle cleanser for all your natural fiber and delicate items.