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Paper(less) Towels


Our reusable paperless towels are made from organic cotton flannel – stronger and more absorbent than traditional disposable paper towels. Decrease household waste and save money! Bundle up for an additional discount.

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This is a hand made product.
Because of the care we put into each order, orders containing our handmade products may not be delivered by December 24th.


Ultra soft and absorbent, these Eco-friendly, durable, 1-ply undyed cotton flannel towels replace disposable paper towels. Use them for everyday cleaning, applying liquid cleansers to countertops, or wet with water for a gentle nontoxic cleaner. For extra absorbency, stick two together for a 2-ply version, or 3 for a 3-ply—okay you get it.

Wash on a cold cycle and when they have reached their end, toss them in your garden compost!

Paper(less) Towels 1Part of our Zero Waste Ewe-nitiative, these are made from up-cycled production scraps to help keep textile waste out of landfills.

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