All-Natural bedding at its best: sustainable and committed to the environment.
Keeping it real. Keeping it natural.
These days, “Sustainability” is big business. We’ve been around for over 24 years, and it’s amazing to see the world catch up! From our inception, we’ve been a small, family-run business working within a cottage industry using materials as close to nature as possible and building heirloom-quality bedroom products by hand and with integrity.
And yet…because sustainability is such a trendy buzzword, we like to define what that means. For us, this is not just about pretty certification logos on our website or putting a carbon offset band-aid on our global environmental problems. This is about a deep, grassroots-style commitment to doing it right every step of the way. The ranches where our wool sheep graze are in our regional mountain ranges. That wool travels to a mill in our hometown, and the people who work there are members of our community. For us, it’s personal.
Simply put—making the best all-natural mattresses and bedding products possible is our contribution to a more sustainable future.
This is the way we show up, this is the way we become the change we wish to see in the world. It may seem optimistic, but just imagine if everyone began transitioning toward all-natural mattresses made without unhealthy toxins with materials that both last for decades and can be repurposed or biodegraded… (We’re gonna need more sheep!)
Let’s Get Real. Real renewable Earth-grown materials. Real people. Real honest work. Real solutions. Real health, wellbeing, harmony, and balance.
Let’s Be Natural. Look to Nature to guide us. Wool, cotton, real latex. Building mattresses by hand, the way they’ve been made for centuries.
Simply put, if the grid went down tomorrow, we’ll be one of the only mattress manufacturers still in business.
We’re so glad you’re along for the real sustainability ride! To learn more about the Shepherd’s Dream strategy and commitment, check out our Sustainability page