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Allergies Getting You Down?

Replacing your synthetic and down bedding with wool bedding will help you with your allergies.

Wool Is Hypo-allergenic
Dust mites and bed bugs don’t like wool as they prefer hot, humid climates that are more common with synthetics and down. Dust mites are the major cause of allergy and asthma suffering.

Wool Is Mildew Resistant
Since mold is another major cause of allergies, it is good to know that wool is also naturally resistant to mildew. Wool fibers have a natural water-wicking property that prevents moisture from being retained in the fabric. Besides keeping the skin dry, this quality also naturally inhibits mildew. Wool also has natural anti-microbial properties, because bacteria tend to be attracted to smooth positively charged surfaces like those of synthetic fibers rather than the scaly, neutrally charged surface of the Wool fiber.

In addition to switching over to pure wool bedding, here are some other ideas of how you can minimize allergies this springtime:

At Home

  •  Remove carpets and upholstered furniture where possible.
  • Wash sheets every week in very hot water.
  • Cover your bedding with allergen-proof protectors.
  • Remove stuffed toys from the bedroom.
  • Use a dehumidifier to keep the air to less than 50% humidity to reduce mold.
  • Use an air purifier in your bedroom.
  •  Use a HEPA filter on your vacuum.
  • Clean surfaces that have a tendency to mold including air-conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, swamp coolers, and fridge drip pans.
  • Fix water leaks and clean up water damage quickly.
  • Keep your doors and windows closed during high pollen times.


  • Probiotics – Some studies have shown probiotics such as L. Acidopholis to reduce allergic reactions to pollen.
  • Quercetin – A flavonoid that may be able to stop and release the production of histamine. Studies are still needed. *Consult your physician if you are taking other medications.*
  • Vitamin C (2000 mg/day) – Has some antihistamine properties.
  • Spirulina – A type of blue-green algae (delicious in smoothies). Stops the release of histamines in test tube and animal testing.
  • Omega 3 fatty acid – Studies have shown people with diets rich in Omega 3’s have lower allergy symptoms.
  • Vitamin D – Has been found to reduce allergic reactions to mold.
  • Goldenseal – Studies show it may be helpful for relief of seasonal allergies.


  • Butterbur (Petasites Hybridus) – A natural antihistamine. Do not use if you are allergic to ragweed, marigold, daisy or chrysanthemum.
  • Stinging Nettle(Urtica Dioica) – Another natural antihystamine, recommended dose is 300mg freeze dried per day.
  • Astragalus (Astragalus Membraneceus) – Polysaccharides helped to reduce symptoms such as runny nose, itching & sneezing.


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